Get to know...

William Christian
Originally hailing from Atlanta, GA, William Christian is deeply rooted in his faith, becoming a follower of Jesus while attending the Embry Hills church of Christ. After completing two years at Florida College, he returned to Atlanta to pursue his passion for engineering at Georgia Tech. It was during this period that William began working with the Intown Atlanta church of Christ, where he has dedicated himself as a faithful member for the past five years. Presently, William channels his professional expertise into the field of energy consulting, working with Insight Energy. Beyond his professional endeavors, William has been happily married for two years, and in his leisure time enjoys watching baseball, experiencing the great outdoors through hiking, and exploring new places with his wife.
Blake Edwards
Originally from Alabama the beautiful (nobody actually calls it that), Blake Edwards has been a follower of Jesus since he was in high school in the Birmingham area. While attending Auburn University, he became increasingly plugged in with the University church of Christ and increasingly convicted to follow Jesus. It was during this time that he started attending Bible studies on campus and in friend’s homes. Sitting around with other people interested in God while having open Bibles became a passion. Since 2016, Blake has lived in Atlanta and been an active member of the Intown Atlanta Church. Blake and his wonderful wife strive to faithfully follow their Savior while serving their church and community as they raise their sweet baby boy. He still isn’t as cool as his wife or his son.Contact Us
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